Editing And Printing Requests for Vendor Quotes
Begin entering a Request for Quote by pressing the RFQ icon on the Toolbar, then pressing the [Insert] button on the browse box.
Header Fields
Begin by selecting the organization and individual for whom you are ordering the product. This can be either your company, an existing customer, or a new prospect. In all cases, you are storing this information in your Contacts Browse. Press the field lookup button to select a contact from the Contacts Browse. If this is a brand new contact enter it there before continuing.
Enter the date the bid must be returned by. The default is the current date plus five days.
Defaults to the logged in Employee ID.
Enter the product to be quoted . You can search for, or add new products from products browse. You can select an existing product which closely matches the new item to be ordered, then change the specs for this RFQ by pressing the [Specs] button.
When you accept the quote (that is, convert it to a sales order) you can choose to add the product with the new specs as a completely new product to the Products/Services browse.
[Specs] |
Click this button to edit the specs of the selected Product for use on this quote. The Specs are unique to this RFQ and will not overwrite or affect in anyway, the Specs linked with the Product Master. You can think of these Specs as having been borrowed for the RFQ. If this is a new item, then the version of the Specs you enter into the RFQ become the Specs of the new Product when you convert the RFQ to a Sales Order.
QUANTITIES 1, 2, 3, 4 |
These are the quantities to quote. You are not required to enter a quantity for all four fields, but you must at least enter a quantitiy in QUANTITY #1.
Enter the Unit of Measure for this Item. Some examples are shown below. Please note that this field does not affect the calculation for this Item. Use abbreviation(s) most suitable for your bookkeeping, for example: CT Carton EA Each M Thousand
Enter the quantity per package on this order. Leave this field blank if you want Simple Accounting to automatically insert the word STANDARD in this field on the spec sheet.
This field indicates if this is a new order or a repeat order with or without changes. E Exact Repeat If the ORDER TYPE is (E)xact Repeat, purchase orders generated will print in bold ‘EXACT REPEAT’ in place of detailed specifications in the body of the RFQ. N New Order, first time S Same quantities, spec changed B Changed Both the spec and the quantities C Changed Quantities, same spec
These notes will appear on RFQs to all vendors unless you type in different notes for each vendor.
Enter the date the quote was generated for the Customer. This is automatically entered for you when a Customer Quote is generated from the RFQ.
This Note Taker lets you enter free text which will appear on the Customer Quote generated from this RFQ. |
Line Item Fields
Enter the vendor from whom you are requesting a bid. The default is the default Vendor ID assigned to this product, although you can select any vendor you like. If you select the Favorite Vendors Only checkbox to the right, you select from pre-selected vendors (those linked with the Products Product Type.)
Enter another RFQ Transaction ID to be combined for pricing with this RFQ.
These are notes that are unique to this Vendors Request for Quote. The default notes which appear are those you entered into the preceding window in the header of the Request for Quote.
Enter the type of delivery you are requesting from the manufacturer or use the field lookup button to select.
Now enter the three quantities and requested delivery dates you are requesting a bid on. Fill in the cost field when you receive the bid from the vendor.
Enter the vendor’s quote number when you receive their response.
Enter the date the quote was received.
Enter any delivery charges when you receive the quote.
Enter the G/L account to post freight expense to. The default is set in FILES|Setup Global Options but you can override using the field lookup button. Once you have finished entering an RFQ you can then you print, fax or e-mail it to all the vendors you have added as line items. This system makes it easy to gets bids from as many vendors as you like and compare them based not only on price, but also turn-around time. After you have printed the RFQ(s) you would normally wait to receive bids from the vendor(s). After you have done so, you can then enter their bids into each line item for the RFQ. At that point, you can Accept the RFQ, which converts to RFQ to either:
An accepted RFQ may not be edited at all. To summarize, you will usually enter/edit each RFQ at least three times: 1. Enter the RFQ header and one line item for each vendor you wish to get a bid from. When you are done, tag each line item you wish to print, then press the [Print] button to print or fax the RFQ to the tagged vendors. 2. Edit the RFQ. As the bids come back, edit the items, entering the costs and quote #s for each. 3. Edit the RFQ, then press the [Accept] button. If you wish to convert to a sales order, select a line item, then press the [Accept] button to create a live purchase order and sales order from the RFQ. If you wish to convert to a quote, select the line items to appear on the sales quote from the browse, then press the [Proceed] button. If you convert to a sales order when accepting an RFQ, you will probably want to go to the Vendor Purchase Orders browse and print the P.O. |
Printing RFQ Sheets For Each Vendor
You print RFQs much like purchase orders and invoices: by tagging the line items you wish, then letting the system generate the printed quotes for you. The printed RFQ is very much like a purchase order; each contains all the information you have entered in the Products & Services browse , including any Product Specs. The difference is that they list three different quantities to be bid upon. When an RFQ has been printed, a ‘Y’ is displayed in the Printed column to the left of the browse box.
Like other editing windows you can also [Clone] an RFQ in the Edit an RFQ window, thus making it easy to create a new RFQ from a close match.
Note: When you clone an RFQ, the Location ID of the original RFQ is retained. This is important if you are using Remote Office Extensions. It means that if you clone an RFQ created at a particular remote office, the cloned RFQ acts as though it were created at the same location as the original, even though it may have been cloned at the main office. This allows you to repeat quotes for a remote office from the main office.