The window displays totals for this vendor, including their current A/P Aging. Right clicking on a Vendor in the Vendor Browse displays this Window. This window is opened by right-clicking on a vendor from the Vendors Browse.
These displayed fields are automatically calculated by Simple Accounting as you use the program and may not be edited. These fields are automatically updated whenever you run a vendor aging or cash requirements report, or by pressing the [Re-Total] button at the bottom of the window.
MTD | The total amount you have purchased from this vendor for this month. This field is updated with either the cost of each custom form invoiced in Sales Orders, or by the cost entered for each new Distributor Owned item received in Purchase Orders. |
YTD | The total amount you have purchased from this vendor since the beginning of your fiscal year. This field is updated with either the cost of each custom form invoiced in Sales Orders, or by the cost entered for each inventoried item received in Vendor Purchase Orders. |
LAST YEAR | The total amount you purchased from this vendor last year. This field is updated with either the cost of each custom form invoiced in This field is updated with either the cost of each custom form invoiced in Sales Orders, or by the cost entered for each inventoried item received in Vendor Purchase Orders. |
MTD | The total sales generated from products with this Vendor ID since the last Period Update. |
YTD | The total sales generated from products with this Vendor ID since the last Year-End Close. |
LAST YEAR | The total sales generated from products with this Vendor ID during the previous year. |
LAST PURCHASE | The date of the last vendor invoice for this vendor. |
LAST SALE | The date of the last Sale or other credit to this Vendor’s account. |
CURRENT | The amount owed which is not past its date due for payment. |
<30 DAYS | The amount owed which is no longer current, but is less than thirty days overdue for payment. |
30 DAYS | The amount which is thirty days overdue. |
60 DAYS | The amount which is sixty days overdue. |
90 DAYS | The amount which is ninety days overdue. |
120 DAYS | The amount which is one hundred and twenty days overdue. |
These aging periods are typical, however, you can set your own user-defined Vendor Aging Periods from the FILES|Setup|A/P Options Menu.