Starting & Exiting SAFE EE
To begin with, we will assume that you have installed Simple Accounting on your network server. If not, you should read the Network chapter of this document and examine the Installation section right now!
Right! After you install SAFE EE, a Simple Accounting folder is automatically created on your hard drive (or the hard drive of your network server). Press the [Start] button and click on Programs. There you will see the SAFE EE program, ready to use.
By default, SAFE is installed in the SIMPLE folder on your drive.
When you start Simple Accounting, the Suntower Systems logo appears on an introductory screen. The screen indicates your organizations name and your User Mode (whether you are in Full Access or Evaluation Mode). and your user Employee Log In…Finally, a message window appears to indicate that you are logged in and ready to begin.
You can create a shortcut on your desktop to make it easier to start SAFE EE by doing the following:
1. Click the [Start] button, then clicking on [Find], then clicking on [Files & Folders]. 2. The Find Window will appear. In the Named field, type: SAFE, then press the [Find Now] button. 3. SAFE will be one of the items found in the box below. It will have our logo and be of type Application. 4. To create the shortcut, single click on the SAFE application, then just drag it onto the desktop.
Exiting Simple Accounting
There are three ways to exit Simple Accounting:
1. By pressing <Alt/F4> from anywhere in the program.
2. By pressing the close button (the big X) at the top right-hand corner of the main window.
3. By selecting Exit from the FILES menu.
A dialog box will ask for confirmation before exiting.
While performing some tasks, you will not be allowed to exit Simple Accounting until you complete or cancel the task. For example, you are not allowed to exit SAFE EE in the middle of entering a sales order; you must complete or cancel the sales order before being allowed to exit. This is to prevent out-of-balance entries.
Are You Really Ready?
Just because you have installed Simple Accounting doesnt necessarily mean that you are truly ready to run Simple Accounting! You should check the Estimating Storage Requirements and the System Requirements topics to make certain that your system is configured properly before proceeding to set up Simple Accounting. Also, if you wish to run Simple Accounting on a network, make certain that you read about Networking before deploying the software on your server and workstations.