Translog: Field Specific Information
The key to using TransLog effectively is using the Locator and Queries to narrow your search with the columns below. The trick then, is knowing how to interpret the columns.
Transaction Types
For starters, let’s look at the most common types of records you will edit and how to find the one you’re after:
DOC #1 |
DOC #2 |
Sales Order There are 3 screens for editing S/Os and each affects a different table. Note that records at each screen share the common TransactionID so you can easily view all edits to any transaction as a whole. |
UpdateSOHeaders #1 |
TransactionID |
LocationID |
TransactionID |
UpdateSODetails #2 |
RecordID |
LocationID |
TransactionID |
UpdateSODShipTos #3 |
RecordID |
LocationID |
TransactionID |
A/P Bill There are 2 screens for editing Bills and each affects a different table. Note that records at each screen share the common TransactionID so you can easily view all edits to any transaction as a whole.
UpdateAPHeaders #1 |
TransactionID |
LocationID |
TransactionID |
UpdateAPDetails #2 |
RecordID |
LocationID |
RecordID |
Customer Master |
UpdateArcust |
LocationID |
CustomerID |
Vendor Master |
UpdateApvend |
LocationID |
VendorID |
Product Master |
UpdateProducts |
LocationID |
ProductID |
Site Master |
UpdateShipTos |
ShipToID |
Customer Payments There are 2 screens for editing Payments and each affects a different table. Note that records at each screen share the common TransactionID so you can easily view all edits to any transaction as a whole.
UpdateArpayHeaders |
LocationID |
TransactionID |
UpdateArpayDetails |
TransactionID |
RecordID |
Check Register There are 2 screens for editing Checks (header and detail) and each affects a different table. Note that records at each screen share the common TransactionID so you can easily view all edits to any transaction as a whole. Only entries made directly to the Check Register will have any activity in CheckDetails. Checks created directly from A/R or A/P will not.
UpdateCheckRegister |
LocationID |
TransactionID |
UpdateCheckDetails |
LocationID |
TransactionID |
Vendor POs There are 2 screens for editing POs and each affects a different table. Note that records at each screen share the common TransactionID so you can easily view all edits to any transaction as a whole.
UpdateVendorPOs |
LocationID |
TransactionID |
UpdateVPODetails |
TransactionID |
RecordID |
RFQs There are 2 screens for editing RFQs and each affects a different table. Note that records at each screen share the common TransactionID so you can easily view all edits to any transaction as a whole.
UpdateRFQHeaders |
LocationID |
TransactionID |
UpdateRFQDetails |
RecordID |
TransactionID |
F/M Transactions There are 2 screens for editing F/M and each affects a different table. Note that records at each screen share the common TransactionID so you can easily view all edits to any transaction as a whole.
UpdateFMHeaders |
LocationID |
TransactionID |
UpdateFMDetails |
TransactionID |
RecordID |
Contact Master The first screen is for the Contact Master; the 2nd is for linked Activities. Note that records at each screen share the common ContactID so you can easily view all edits to any Contact as a whole.
UpdateContacts |
LocationID |
ContactID |
UpdateActivities |
ContactID |
RecordID |
So, for example, if you want to look up all activity related to a Sales Order, you can simply Locate on the DOC#2 column for a particular Sales Order Transaction ID. This will show you every change to any portion of the Sales Order (on all three editing screens).