Purging Contacts
From time to time you may wish to remove old Contacts and Activities which have become obsolete. This reduces the amount of disk space utilized by Simple Accounting and may increase the speed of the program somewhat.
It is advisable to run this program at least once a year. You may wish to run this program more often if you use Contacts quite a lot (for tele-marketing or customer support). You can run this routine safely at any time, however if your are using CM in Multi-User mode, all other users must be logged out.
No other users should be logged in while this operation is in progress!
We strongly recommend that you backup your data before beginning this function.
1. Open Purge Records from the Contacts Main Menu and enter your Master Password. The program initially warns you that running this program will permanently remove certain records, and to think twice.
2. A Query Window opens which allows you to select which records will be purged.
3. You are now given one last opportunity to cancel before the purge begins.
4. Once the purge begins, all Contacts and their related records (Activities, Phone Numbers, etc.) are removed. This may take several minutes.
SOME CONTACTS CANNOT BE PURGED You may not delete any Contact which is linked with an active Customer or Vendor even if the Contact fits your selected Query.