Sometimes you need to make an adjustment to the commission on a single sales order. Or there may be a case when you need to pay a straight dollar amount commission to a sales order which does not fit a particular formula you have set up as a Commission Tables.
This screen lets you:
- Assign a fixed dollar amount to the commissions for a particular sales order. This overrides any commission table or formulas for that order.
- Assign a new Commission Table ID to a sales order after it has been invoiced. This overrides the default commission automatically calculated by Simple Accounting.
- Re-assign the Employee ID and Employee ID #2 for a sales order after it has been invoiced. This has the net effect of changing which sales person is assigned commission on the order. If no Commission Table is selected, then the commission is re-calculated according that individuals default.
Access this screen by right clicking selecting a sales order from the Sales Order browse and right clicking.
You must be logged in as the Default Employee ID in order to see this option.