This topic gives you a list of the data file names for the most important information in Simple Accounting, plus their field names. These are of value primarily in data export, Contacts Custom Search tab and in mail-merge applications. We also include a list of common functions you can use in Dynamic Data Exchange expressions.
Here is a list of the data file names used in Simple Accounting:
ACCOUNTS | Chart of Accounts |
ACTIVITIES | Contact Activities |
CHECKREGISTER | Check Register |
CONTACTS | Contacts |
ARCUST | Customers |
EMPLOYEES | Employees/Sales Reps |
PRODUCTHISTORY | Audit Trail of all transactions affecting inventory |
PRODUCTS | Products & Services |
PRODUCTTYPES | Product Types |
FMHEADERS | F/M Transactions Headers |
GLTRANSACTIONS | G/L Transaction Audit Trail (Line Item Detail) |
SODETAILS | Sales Order Line Item Detail |
SOHEADERS | Sales Order Headers |
APVEND | Vendors |
APHEADERS | Vendor Bill Headers |
APDETAILS | Vendor Bill Line Item Detail |
Field Names
A complete list of field names and their descriptions can be had by downloading the latest text version of our Data Dictionary from
Functions & Symbols
Here is a list of the functions and symbols you can use in Dynamic Data Exchange expressions in Simple Accounting:
CLIP(x) Removes all trailing spaces from a data field. For example, if you entered a contacts organization name as a DDE field for a form letter as follows:
I understand that everyone at {DDE SIMPLE CONTACTS CONT:Name}
is interested in…
The form letter would print as:
I understand that everyone at Smith Brothers is interested in…
Note the extra spaces after Smith Brothers? Thats because the CONT:Name field is thirty characters long, so simply using that field brings the entire thirty characters–including spaces back to your form letter. However, if you make the following change:
I understand that everyone at {DDE SIMPLE CONTACTS CLIP(CONT:Name)}
is interested in…
The form letter prints as:
I understand that everyone at Smith Brothers is interested in…
CLOCK() Returns the currrent time. This must then be formatted using the FORMAT function in order to be meaningful to other applications.
FORMAT(x, FormatString) Formats a number or date into a string of characters. Simple Accounting stores dates, numbers and time fields in a number format that is not very useful outside of the program without some conversion. This function formats these types of fields for the appropriate display.
Date FORMAT(x, @D18) January 15, 1998
FORMAT(x,@D01B) 01/15/98
Time FORMAT(x,@T3) 12:15:43 PM
Numeric FORMAT(x, @N-12.2) 1,995.00
FORMAT(x, @N_4) 1995
FORMAT(x,@N8.3) 1995.000
TODAY() The current date. This must then be formatted using the FORMAT function in order to be meaningful to other applications.
& Connects two data field names or functions together. As an example, consider a common DDE field to insert in a business letter: a properly formatted contact name. Rather than using two DDE fields, you can insert a single field that contains the complete contact name. You could do this as follows:
CLIP(CONT:FirstName)& &CLIP(CONT:LastName)
If the contacts first name is John and Smith, this evaluates to
John Smith